Monday, June 26, 2017

Visual Development Class

This month in my visual development class we have been learning some more advanced techniques and materials in maya as well as some great ways to tweak a final render through nuke.

We started out trying to match a reference image for placements of objects in the scene as well as the lighting that the scene will utilize.

After getting all the textures build throughout weeks 2 3 and 4 we rendered out the scene with lighting and textures.

We then batch rendered the scene breaking it up into the three different light sources.

This is the render of the IBL light

This is the render of the Key Light

And this is the render of the Warm Light

The batch render also allowed us independent control over things like the glossy reflections, diffuse reflections transmissions for glass etc.

By manipulating these different layers we were able to alter colors lighting on specific items and lights with precise control. This is the final image we rendered out of Nuke.

This month has definitely been a valuable learning experience for me. At first I felt like we were going to be doing the same things we had done in previous lighting and texturing classes. We did get a good refresher on some of the tools but there are many advanced techniques I had not gotten to experience yet that i learned this month. This was also my first time using the mila material which is a very versatile and customizable material for maya that I feel I will utilize a lot in the future. The techniques we learned for nuke were also very valuable I had no clue nuke could have that level of control over an image from maya. It felt like I almost had as much control over the materials as I would inside of maya but cutting down massively on render time.

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